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Entries in Toilet (3)


Snake Bites Man's Penis

Taiwanese Beauty Rat Snake

Mr. Lin, 50, of Nantou County, Taiwan was bitten by a snake - on the penis - while using the toilet at home.
“I felt an excruciating pain in my lower body, like someone had stabbed me with a knife, shortly after sitting on the toilet bowl … I stood up immediately and saw blood oozing from my crotch,” the 50-year-old man, surnamed Lin (林), told reporters.

When he looked down into the toilet he found a large snake staring back at him from inside the toilet bowl. Apparently, the snake thought it had found a tasty morsel dangling, when Mr. Lin sat on the toilet seat, and decided to take a bite.
“I thought it might have been a poisonous snake. To prevent it from hurting anyone else I tried to flush the toilet several times but the snake would not go down the drain,” Lin said.

Failing to flush the snake down the toilet, Mr Lin shut the lid and went to the Puli Christian Hospital for treatment. When he arrived at the hospital, the doctors tried to determine what kind of snake had taken a bite of the man's penis, so that the correct antivenin could be administered. Mr. Lin was unable to identify the type of snake.

The hospital then asked Mr. Lin's neighbors to catch the snake. It turns out that the snake was a black and yellow, 170 cm (67 inches) long, Taiwan Beauty Rat Snake [Orthriophis taeniura friesi]. Fortunately, it was not poisonous or Mr. Lin would have been very lucky to be alive according to the doctors.
"As soon as he has passed the risk of infection, he can go," the doctor, who declined to be named, said. "A snake's mouth isn't always clean."

After being identified, the snake was released back into the wild.
Taiwan beauties are large non-venomous snakes that can reach up to 2m (6.5 ft) in length. The snake is a protected species, and are sometimes kept as pets by people.

Mr. Lin now has a phobia of toilets and will only use a newly purchased plastic toilet bowl.

No one is sure exactly how the snake found its way into the toilet, but the neighbors speculate that it might have entered the plumbing system through the septic tank, which has a cracked lid, and then swum up the toilet for air.

Mr. Lin seemed quite philosophical about the entire episode and offered this incite:
“It was the snake’s signal for help when it bit me. If it hadn’t, maybe it would have been stuck in the septic tank and either suffocated or starved to death. It looked like an accident but it was actually fate,” Lin said.

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Thief Gets Covered in Feces

Lorenzo Earl Knight, 22, was arrested by Tampa police on two counts of burglary of a vehicle and one charge of grand theft. He was released from the Orient Road Jail on a $6,000 bond. It is uncertain what kind of punishment he faces if found guilty, but I'm sure that he feels he has already been punished enough.


Police said Knight broke into a truck (a 1999 Ford F-150 double cab) in the parking lot of the International Plaza, Tampa, Fl. taking a $500 digital camera and the owner's manual. He had just jimmied the door of a second truck (a 2002 Ford F-150) parked next to the first one, when its owner spotted him. Realizing that he had been seen, Knight took off running, leaving behind one of his shoes and the screwdriver he had used to break into the trucks. Following behind in close pursuit was the owner of the second truck and a friend.

Unable to completely elude his pursuers, Knight came upon a construction site and decided to hide in one the portable toilets on the site. The two men however, discovered where Knight was hiding. They tipped over the Port-O-Let with Knight still inside. All the contents of the Port-O-Let came spilling out on Knight covering him completely in a mixture of feces and urine. The two men held Knight in the Port-O-Let until the police arrived. When the officers arrived, they found Knight still inside the toilet, soaking wet in its contents.

For the sake of the arresting officers, I hope that they got a chance to hose Knight down properly before arresting him. Trying to cuff him otherwise, would not be an enviable task and just think of what the partol car would look (and smell) like after they got him out of it.

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Baby Flushed Down the Toilet

This is the story of how 27-year-old Rita María Peña with the help of her 67-year-old mother, Elodia Núñez, flushed Rita's newborn baby boy down a toilet.

This is one of those stories that make you wonder just how cold-hearted and ruthless some people can be. In fact after reading this story for the first time I thought these people can not be human, they are devoid of the emotions and intellect that separate us from animals. And to call them animals is an insult to the creatures that belong in that class; because, come to think of it, even animals care for their young. The only redeeming grace that I could find here was, that when confronted, they did not try to deny the heinous act perpetrated on a young, innocent, defenseless life. Below is the story of how an innocent soul was deprived of life almost before his first breath was drawn.

Police in Guadalajara, Mexico arrested Rita María Peña, 27, for allegedly flushing her newborn baby down the toilet, killing the boy. Rita's mother Elodia Núñez, 67 was also arrested as an accomplice. The police say they found the baby's body in a sewage pumping station. Suspicion fell on Rita after local residents reported that her pregnancy had ended, but she appeared not to have the child.
When questioned by the police, Rita told them that she went to live with her mother after she became pregnant and was having problems with her boyfriend, the baby's father. On July 29, 2008 she began feeling labor pains and went to the bathroom where her son was born. However she was still angry at being separated from her boyfriend and threw the baby down the toilet. It was at that very moment that her mother, Elodia Núñez, came in. Elodia then proceeded to help her daughter fill the toilet with water in order to flush away the baby.

Elodia Núñez, also said that just days before the baby was born, she caught her daughter with a knife, unsuccessfully trying to cut herself in the stomach.

An autopsy perform on the baby showed that he died of a contusion of the skull, he also had bruises and cuts on his arms and ears.

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