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Entries in Millbrook (1)


Two DWI Charges in One Night

Joseph S. Kelley, 52 from Canton, Mass. was lost in Upstate New York, trying to find his way back home, so he did what most of us would do - he started to look for a police station to ask for directions. It was 4 a.m. when Joseph found Troop K headquarters located in Millbrook. He got out of his car to ask for help.

One minor observation - Joseph Kelley was drunk, very drunk when he stopped to ask for directions.

While the police were giving Kelley directions, they realized that he appear to be intoxicated. They decided to check him out and discovered that he had a blood alcohol content of 0.17, more than twice the legal limit in New York (0.08). He was charged with driving while intoxicated and troopers called a taxi and released him to the driver to take Kelley to a hotel in the Town of Poughkeepsie.


Legend: A=Millbrook, B=Poughkeepsie, C=Stanford

While en route to Poughkeepsie, Kelley asked the cab driver to stop at an ATM so he could withdraw some cash to pay for his ride. When the cabbie stopped, Kelley got out and ran back to Troop K headquarters. He recovered his car, a Toyota Highlander, and drove north on the Taconic State Parkway while being followed by the taxi driver.

State troopers stopped him in the Town of Stanford and again arrested him on suspicion of driving while intoxicated. He was taken back to Trooper K headquarters and this time his blood alcohol content was 0.14.

Kelley was arraigned in front of Town of Stanford Justice Frank Weber Jr. and sent to Dutchess County Jail on $5,000 bail or $10,000 bond. He is due back in the Town of Stanford court to answer to the charges.

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