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Entries in Puerto Rico (1)


To Heaven on a Bike


David Morales Colon, 22, of Puerto Rico died violently; he was shot to death in Barrio Obrero on April 22, 2010. However it was not his death that made him famous, it was his wake.  When friends and relatives came to Marin Funeral Home to pay their respects to the recently deceased young man they were greeted by his embalmed body on top of his motorcycle as if he were riding it.

David was dressed in a black cap, black sunglasses, long-sleeved black T-shirt with dark jeans and sneakers.

According to a spokesperson for the funeral home, the family of David Colon came and asked them to perform funeral services with David mounted on his motorcycle bent over as if he were racing. 

"We are like any other normal funeral home but at the same time we please our clients," she said.

There was no information on whether David would be buried with his motorcycle or even if he would be buried in a coffin.

This was the same funeral home that two years ago held services for another young man who died tragically - 24-year-old Angel Pantoja Medina. As requested he was presented standing up wearing a cap, dark glasses, a long gold chain and flowers in his left hand.

Below is a video clip from the Spanish language television station WAPA.TV in Puerto Rico covering the David Morales Colon wake:


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