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Entries in Drunk (1)


Where Did That Remote Control Go?

Chinese student, Huang Chen, 19, turned up drunk at Hunan Hangtian Hospital in Changsha, complaining of unexplained pain from his rear end. He had been out drinking with his roommates and had collapsed.

During the examination the drunk Chen turned over on his side and the TV in the room changed channels. This was somewhat of a mystery until the X-rays of Chen came back. They revealed that the teenager had a remote control lodged up his rear end.

According to police, Chen's friends admitted they had played a prank on him while he was unconscious. They somehow managed to get the remote control up his ass.

"We didn't know what it was to start with. There was a little bit of blood but he didn't say anything about a remote control. We couldn't quite believe it when we saw the X-ray," said medic Dr Wei Lung Zhi. "He will be fine in time but the remote was a write off," he added.

I have some personal advice for Huang Chen.....Stop drinking or find some new roommates or both!! It just makes you wonder what else they were doing with him while he was asleep.


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