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Ted Haggard: More From Jones!


Mike Jones the male prostitute who exposed Ted Haggard, was interviewed about how the outing of the Rev. had affected his life. See the video clip here.

In the meantime Ted Haggard's website has been taken down

Michael "Kramer" Richards Apologizes


Michael Richards went on David Letterman's "Late Show" to apologize for his racist remarks directed towards some Black men who were heckling him during his comedy routine at the Laugh Factory, a popular Los Angeles night club. Jerry Seinfeld was scheduled to appear that night on Letterman and he used his influence with the show's producers and Letterman himself, to get Michael Richards on the show to offer an apology.

In my opinion he did not come off as being very sincere and had a hard time articulating anything. He rambled on about various things including "Katrina" and his "rage" but sounded not only hesitant, but at times incoherent.

Watch his apology below:


The Today show captured the reactions of Civil Rights leaders, the Club owners and others while speculating on Richards' future.

ABC got feedback from other comedians like Paul Rodriquez and CNN did an in depth interview with the comedian Sinbad questioning the appropriateness of apologizing on Letterman and not directly to the people he insulted.


This is the second article about Michael Richards. See the previous article Kramer 1

Racism in Hollywood


In the latest example of racism in Hollywood Michael Richards best known for his role as Cosmo Kramer in the hit television show SEINFELD responded to some black men who were heckling him by going off on a racially charged tirade against them with statements like:
"Fifty years ago we'd have you upside down with a fucking fork up your ass."

"Throw his ass out. He's a nigger! He's a nigger! He's a nigger! A nigger, look, there's a nigger!"

"That's what happens when you interrupt the white man, don't you know?"

It was at this point that many people in the audience, apparently disgusted with the whole episode, got up and left. Here is the video of the entire episode:

Darryl Pitts who was in the audience at the time gave an interview to CNN explaining what happened.

Richards later made an apology for his remarks on David Letterman's "Late Show"

Although this is the latest example (and I don't think he can claim to have been drunk) there have been other "stars" that have exhibited this kind of reprehensible behavior in public. Mel Gibson had a drunken outburst against Jews as well as Marlon Brando's comments about Jews running Hollywood.

Arnold Schwarzenegger, Governor of California and ex-actor, made comments about Cubans and Puerto Ricans calling them "all very hot" because of the mixture of Black and Latino blood in them.

Tommy Lee and Nikki Sixx of the Motley Crue were accused in a racial incident involving the beating of a Black security guard.

One would hope that these are just the actions of a few uninformed bigots or at the very best misguided mistakes by otherwise honorable people. However given the history of Hollywood, which has in the past, made many films that show minorities in disparaging ways, I would be very careful about giving the benefit of the doubt.



Wanna Laugh!?


First off let me apologize to the Japanese but their English (make that Engrish) can be very amusing and I aim to take full advantage of this!! The following comes from two sites dedicated to the amusing use of the English language ---- Syberpunk and Engrish


Hold on it gets better!! Make picture for you bigger if you click :)



There's More !!!!!!



And More !!!!!!

One last set.......I promise !!!


THE END !!!!!




Hearts and Minds!


After losing the battle for the hearts and minds of the American public in the Nov. elections, President George W Bush's strategy both at home and abroad needs some reassessment.

His first response to the new Democratic majority in both houses of Congress was to fire Donald Rumsfeld and then invite Nancy Pelosi (the new House Majority Leader) to have breakfast with him. us-flag.jpgThese were two very good first steps. They were, of course, born of political expediency. Rumsfeld, although following the wishes of Bush, was very unpopular for the way in which he has conducted the war in Iraq. He was dismissed the morning after the election results. This seems to be an admission on the President's part that some things have to change. In the case of Nancy Pelosi, to invite her to have breakfast with him seems an acknowledgement that he will have to make deals with the Democrats for the rest of his presidency. He will no longer have the implied backing of Congress as was the case when the Republicans had control. Bush seems to realize that business as usual, or the way he had become accustomed to conducting it, is a thing of the past. He will now be held in check by a Congress which will no longer be a rubber stamp for his policies and there will be some friction in the two years he has left in office.

The most pressing foreign policy problem facing Bush is the Iraq situation. iraq.gifHe is still waiting on the recommendations of the Baker Report, which should be due before the end of the year. It is clear that there needs to be a course correction because those Iraqis don't seem to be listening very well to the plans he has for their country. Maybe, just maybe, democracy Bush style, is not what is best for them.

To make matters worse the Iraniansiran.gif, the North Koreanssyria.gif and the Syrians ( the Axis of Evil) don't seem to be listening very well either to the Leader of the Free World. They all seem to have ideas of their own which definitely don't coincide with Bush's view of how things should be. This world can be a very unruly place to try to control. Maybe, just maybe, he should try to talk with them instead of trying to dictate to them.

Could the Iranians and the Syrians be helpful in controlling the situation in Iraq? Could the North Koreansnorth_korea.gif use a little financial help from the US? Can we make a deal or will more bullying work? It is time to realize that military might is not enough to solve all the problems in the world. Maybe, just maybe, the new Democratically controlled Congress will help President Bush to explore new avenues in dealing with the problems of the world.

Maybe, just maybe, Bush needs not only a course correction but also an attitude correction in dealing with the other inhabitants of this planet. Hopefully the next two years will see some changes for the better, not only at home but also worldwide.



Maps courtesy of used with permission.