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Entries in Immigration and Customs Enforcement (1)


Psychologist Pleads Guilty to Child Porn

Dr. Joseph Belanger, 61, of Jamestown, ND plead guilty in court to two charges of receiving materials involving the sexual exploitation of minors. When asked by U.S. District Court Judge Ralph Erickson if the allegations against him were true, he looked up at the judge and in a quiet deep voice replied: "Yes, Your Honor". With those three words Belanger became a convicted child sex offender. His sentencing is scheduled for Dec. 11.

Dr. Belanger is a former North Dakota State Hospital psychologist who had spent the past 20 years examining sex offenders and testified in court on whether the convicted sex offenders were dangerous and should be confined indefinitely for treatment. He was an expert witness in hundreds of cases. His arrest and conviction has led to reviews of cases in Iowa where he appeared as a witness. Officials have said North Dakota cases are unlikely to be affected because of a state law that required two expert witnesses in cases of sexually dangerous individuals.

Dr. Belanger's downfall began in 2006 when Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) started an investigation, "Operation Flicker", to find subscribers of child pornography Web sites that charge for subscriptions.
Belanger was identified through e-mail, telephone, computer and address records as a customer who purchased access to a “Desired Angels” site on Dec. 3, 2006, said Assistant U.S. Attorney Jennifer Klemetsrud Puhl.

The purchase gave the Jamestown man access to 9,076 images and 119 videos of child pornography, she said.

Authorities obtained a search warrant and seized two laptops, a computer, five CDs and six Zip disks, according to the indictment. Child pornography was found on each of the items seized, including more than 200 videos, Klemetsrud Puhl said.
Dr. Bekanger was put on administrative leave and barred from the hospital grounds after he told his supervisor that Homeland Security officials had seized his home computer in search of child pornography.

Shortly afterwards, Dr. Belanger resigned from the hospital. In his resignation letter to the State Board of Psychologist Examiners, Belanger wrote that he suffered "horrific abuse" as a child and has been suicidal at times. He also detailed what he called his "compulsive viewing of pornography". He said he has been "frightened of the world and of women so (he) mostly used pornography as an outlet." He also stated in the letter that he tried to get his life back, aided by medication, and that he plans to get back into therapy. "I believe recovery is possible," he wrote.

Steven Light, Belanger's attorney, said afterward that "it's further evidence that this type of illness can strike anyone."
"Given the seriousness of his confession to us, we had to act immediately," said Alex Schweitzer, superintendent of the State Hospital in Jamestown. Belanger's resignation was accepted.

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