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Entries in FT-EV II (1)


The Car of the Future


Looking for a new car? Tired of all those cars with a pesky steering wheel and omnipresent brake and gas pedals? How about see-through LED rear combination tail lights and electric sliding doors on both sides? Ever just want to stretch your legs while tackling the constant stop-and-go of rush hour traffic?

Well, the Toyota FT-EV II was made just for you.


Designed for short distant driving, the electric motor can travel around 90km (50 miles) at up to 100km/h (60 mph), making it most useful in the city.

Rather than a conventional steering wheel, Toyota has fitted the FT-EV II with joystick-like controls which means there are no conventional controls such as accelerator, brake pedal... or even a steering wheel.


Key to the FT-EV II’s space efficiency is careful placement of the battery and electric motor, freeing up space and leg room at the front of the car.

Toyota has also paid attention to improving vision with a large windscreen and airy cabin feel.


Even the LED tail lights form part of the rear vision, allowing the driver to see through them when reversing.

FT-EV II Concept dimensions:
Length 2,730 mm
Width 1,680 mm
Height 1,490 mm
Wheelbase 1,900 mm
Seating 4

This is a concept car. See other concept vehicles from Toyota: The FT-86 and the single-seat personal mobility i-Real

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