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Entries in Brian Matison (1)


Texting Rage: 1 Man Shot, 1 Man Jailed

Scott Allen Elder

We've all heard of Road Rage; well, Scott Allen Elder, 22 and Brian Matison, 24, both of Savannah, Ga. took the concept to mobile phones, sending one of them to the hospital with a gunshot wound and the other to jail facing an aggravated felony assault charge.

According to Savannah-Chatham police spokeswoman, Veda Lamar Nichols, the incident began when one man dialed the phone number of the other man by mistake. This led to an argument which the two of them continued and escalated via hostile text messages.

They did however agree on one thing: They arranged to meet each other in the parking lot of the local CVS pharmacy at the corner of  Edgewater Street and Montgomery Crossroad.

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"They allowed a text message conversation to escalate to physical violence," Nichols said. "It was just one of those senseless things."

When the two men arrived at the CVS, the argument continued and Scott Allen Elder pulled a gun and shot Brian Matison.

Matison was taken to Memorial University Medical Center where he remains in serious condition. Elder was arrested and taken to the Chatham County jail on the felony assault charge. Police say that Elder's vehicle was also damaged in the encounter.



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