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Call For Help Brings Cops

Evelyn DeLeon of Trenton, NJ wasn't home Wednesday morning when her neighbors heard desperate cries coming from her house. Calls of "Help me! Help me!" in a woman's voice caused so much concern that they called the police fearing someone was in terrible trouble.

When the police arrived at the house, they too heard the persistent pleas. They knocked on the door, no-one answered, so believing that someone was in serious trouble, the cops kicked down the door in order to provide assistance.

Instead of finding someone in dire need, the cops were confronted by a 10-year-old caged cockatoo named Luna. It appears that Luna was just practising a new sound she had picked up. According to Evelyn DeLeon, this was not the first time Luna has caused an alarm.

About seven years ago Luna was practicing her "baby crying" skills. She cried for hours and hours, causing people to believe that a baby had been abandoned in the house. This prompted a visit to the house by state welfare workers. DeLeon says her bird learns much of her ever-growing vocabulary from watching television, in both English and Spanish.

Hopefully Luna can be taught about volume control, while increasing her vocabulary, maybe Evelyn DeLeon should turn down her TV set.....remember what happened to the boy who cried "Wolf!"

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