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Immigration - A Journey through Mexico


For the most part the immigration debate centers around Mexicans who come into the US illegally. Although Mexico is responsible for the majority of illegal aliens there are many others who are here in the US illegally. Some, who come from Central and South America, have to pass through Mexico in order to cross into the US. In fact Mexico itself has an immigration problem. Every year Mexico deports over 220,000 people who have entered their country illegally.

The Washington Post did a moving presentation on the hardships faced by many who try to cross through Mexico on their way to the US. For most the journey starts at Guatemala's border with Mexico and ends in a detention camp in Tapachula. The detention center houses people from Central America, Cuba and even Ethiopia, waiting to be sent back to their respective countries. The presentation is divided into four parts: The River, The Train, The Clinic and The Detention Center.

Click below to watch this presentation:




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