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Iraqi War Casualties

Here are some facts about the War in Iraq:

These are the latest available figures as of Feb. 20 2007. I believe that the most overlooked or ignored part of this picture is the number of casualties that the troops have suffered. When we are encouraged to "Support the Troops" does this include the wounded as well, or just the troops on active duty in the war zone? Has the government done its best to see that the war wounded are properly taken care of? In the current budget the Veterans Administration is allocated less money than they say they actually need. Are the troops, already in combat situations in Iraq, adequately armed, protected and trained?

After the House passed a nonbinding resolution against President Bush's plan to increase troop levels in Iraq by 21,500, John Murtha (D-Pa) chairman of the Appropriations subcommittee on Defense indicated that certain conditions would have to be met before more money was appropriated. He said that the troops should be properly trained and equipped before going to Iraq. They should also have significant "time-at-home" breaks before being sent back to Iraq.

However there does not seem to be much emphasis placed on care for the disabled soldiers. The following video clip looks at the situation at one of the VA hospitals, Walter Reed, and the level of out-patient care provided for the soldiers wounded in combat.


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