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World Religions - Islam

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Islam is probably the most misunderstood religion in America. It has virtually become a synonym for terrorism. I wonder how many people have actually taken the time to find out what it means to be Muslim? The Dalai Lama, a Buddhist and Tibet's exiled spiritual leader, recognized this and had the following comment:
Muslims are being unfairly stigmatized as a result of violence by “some mischievous people,” said the Dalai Lama, who received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1989 for his work to bring democracy and freedom to his people. All religions have extremists and “it is wrong to generalize (about Muslims),” the 71-year-old spiritual leader said.

See the full text here:


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Terrorism is as much a part of Islam as the KKK is a part of the Christian Church. They both do not represent religious organizations. Both Muslims and Christians believe in one God and have many similar practices.


Both religions have many factions or sects. We often hear about the Sunnis and Shiites in Islam. The Sunnis are the largest sect and represent the majority of all Muslims. The Shiites are a minority everywhere except in Iran. Below is a list of the major Muslim sects. For more information on each one a link is provided.

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A good analysis of Judaism Christianity and Islam can be found here where the practices and relationships of each religion is explained in detail.


A detailed look at the history and development of Islam can be found here

Here is a short clip on Muslims for Peace and a documentary on the difficulties of being a Muslim in the UK

Listen to this beautiful song below and I am sure you will feel the love flowing!!



Scientific Benefits of Having Sex

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I ran across This article recently that dealt with the scientific reasons for having sex. Apparently there are many:

  • It helps boost the Immune System

  • It helps boost Longevity

  • It wards off Cancer

  • It results in a more Youthful Appearance

  • It helps Reduce Stress

  • It helps Fight Depression

  • It helps coping with Middle Age

  • It is Good Exercise

After going through the list it occurred to me that they may just have missed one more very good scientific benefit of having sex.........Making Babies!! :)

The article did briefly mention that there were reasons for not having sex. These included the transmission of disease and a heart attack due to over exertion.

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Stay healthy and don't overdo it!!


Presidential Term Limits?


Rep. Steny Hoyer D-Md

There is a bill currently in the House of Representatives that would repeal the 22nd Amendment to the Constitution. This amendment, simply put, prohibits a President from serving more than two terms in office. This bill (H.J. RES.24.IH - dated 2/17/05) is sponsored by Rep. Steny Hoyer, D-Md and supported by Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner R-WI.
"The time has come to repeal the 22nd Amendment to the Constitution, and not because of partisan politics," explained Hoyer. "While I am not a supporter of the current President, I feel there are good public policy reasons for a repeal of this amendment. Under the Constitution as altered by the 22nd Amendment, this must be President George W. Bush's last term even if the American people should want him to continue in office. This is an undemocratic result."

"We do not have to rely on rigid constitutional standards to hold our Presidents accountable," said Hoyer. "Sufficient power resides in the Congress and the Judiciary to protect our country from tyranny."

I strongly disagree with Mr. Hoyer and would go one step further to suggest that not only should the President be limited to two terms but also the Congress (both House and Senate) itself. There is a saying: "Power Corrupts and Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely"

We see much evidence of this in the Congress, which currently has no term limits, with all the scandals and reprehensible conduct that has been going on. Congressmen have been accused of everything from taking bribes to influence peddling to sexual misconduct. Some of these accused people go back to their constituents, plead their case, and get re-elected. Over 90% of the incumbents in Congress get re-elected. This creates a system that encourages corruption.

If Congress itself is corrupt do we then need to elect a President who may be in office for decades? I personally think that eight years of Bush is quite enough and will not be sorry to see him go. However, even if there were some other President in office, I would still feel the same way. Don't give anyone too much power because it will be abused.

When Rep. Hoyer says we don't have to rely on "rigid constitutional standards" and would rather do away with them, we all better be very careful. Those "rigid constitutional standards" are what define this country as a democracy. We all live by those standards. We should be looking for ways to strengthen those standards to protect ourselves from tyranny, instead of depending on a corrupt Congress to do it for us.

Why strip away the safeguards that are already in place!?

World Religions - The Bahai Faith




One of the fastest growing religions today is the Bahai Faith. It is a faith that originated in Persia (modern day Iran) and has been relentlessly persecuted in that country.

Below is a quick synopsis of what Bahais believe:
According to Bahá'í teachings, religious history is seen as an evolving educational process for mankind, through God's messengers, which are termed Manifestations of God. Bahá'u'lláh is seen as the most recent, pivotal, but not final of these individuals. He claimed to be the long-expected educator and teacher of all peoples, prophesied in Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and other religions, and that his mission was to establish a firm basis for unity throughout the world, and inaugurate an age of peace and justice, which Bahá'ís expect will inevitably arise.

For more online information Visit the Official Website

There are currently over 5 million Bahais in 200 countries. Their influence and their focus is global. The clip below captures some of their work:

A new temple being built in Chile is represented in this video. The commemoration of the passing of Bahaullah is captured here.

With all the strife and problems in the world it is good to see that Hope, Faith and Love are alive and doing well.

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Mark Foley Sex Scandal - Overkill?


Mark Foley has managed to re-focus America on sex. After all we use sex to sell everything from new cars to toilet paper; because it works! People pay attention when that three letter word is used or referred to. This story is even more important because it involves a prominent member of society (a politician) who has taken advantage of his position to seduce or at the very least, proposition, those who are supposed to be under his protection. What makes it even more salacious is the fact that the victims are young teenage boys and he is a middle-aged man. No matter what else Mark Foley has done in the past, for his State, his Country or his Party, he will be forever immortalized as the Congressman who liked little boys. This will be his legacy.

Mark Foley has resigned his seat in the House and has committed himself to a rehab center for alcohol abuse (which supposedly is the root cause for all this misbehavior). This effectively protects him from all those questions that the press would so dearly love to ask him. It also leaves a lot of embarrassed politicians to answer some very difficult questions as to what they knew, and when.

There will be a multitude of investigations started:

  • Did he (Mark Foley) break any laws?

  • Was there a Congressional cover-up?

  • Were proper procedures followed?

  • Should others be prosecuted?

  • How can this behavior be prevented?

There will be reports filed and actions taken, all of which will be duly noted and documented by the press. The experts will get involved to explain the proceedings and the consequences. The public will follow every twist and turn of every investigation. There will be hell to pay for some people. In the end the story will fade and people will return to their routine lives......waiting for the next scandal to break.

While we were diverted by this titillating story of sex and intrigue what happened?


I am not trying to belittle the importance of the Foley Scandal but there are many things happening around us all the time, some of little significance, some which have the potential to change our lives and the world we live in. Is it not yet time to get on with the NEWS?