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Who is Kenneth Eng?


The following was taken directly from Kenneth Eng's own blog and presumably written by Kenneth himself.
Kenneth C. Eng is the youngest published science fiction novelist in America. He has written the novels Dragons: Lexicon Triumvirate, The 0th Dimension and Reincarnation. His work has been published in Philosophy Today, Bewildering Stories Science Fiction Magazine,, Newsday and a few minor magazines. Formerly, he worked at Marvel Comics, Paramount Pictures and Crossroads Films. Graduate of NYU Tisch School of the Arts. Presently 22 years of age.
Ascertaining absolute certainty in the universe, creating balanced symmetry and aesthetics in the cosmos, striving against the mass of conformity that is the flesh all around me, and writing.

He apparently left out a few things about himself:

He is a Racist who hates just about everybody who is non-Asian and even some Asians as well. He has written a number of articles about race hatred: 1. Why I Hate Black People 2. Proof that Whites Inherently Hate Us 3.Why I Hate Asians all of which have been published by AsianWeek magazine.

He is omnipotent and calls himself God of the Universe: From Foreword magazine
“Reincarnation is not limited in time, space and material,” says Eng. “I could essentially be anyone living in the present, past, or future, or any imaginary being drawn from the Omnitemporal Realm. All consciousness is one. I am in everyone, friend or foe.”

He is an Atheist: Religion is for the Inferior
"Religion is sick. Religion is disgusting. Anyone who practices religion should be forced to wear a shirt that says "stupid". I'm not fu*king joking. I'm really serious."

He likes to Masturbate: Religion is for the Inferior
"I don't know about you, but I masturbate all the time. It's not going to affect me in any way, aside from making me need to take baths more often"

He may be Mentally Ill: Diary of an Attack
The police sent him to hospital TWICE after being involved in a fight:
"However, instead of arresting any of the attackers, they had me sent to a hospital. Not because I was injured, but because they thought I was insane. (I have a voice recording of one of the officers admitting this.)
I lectured him as well about how he should perform his duties, and then I commanded that he tell me why nothing was done. Instead of giving me an answer, he (not surprisingly) called the hospital again to have me institutionalized."

His views got him in trouble at school: Discrimination Against Asians

I was later asked to speak to the Tisch Chairman David Irving about my conflicts. At first, he seemed like a rational man who could be reasoned with. However, when the conversation shifted to my controversial views, I told him that I thought Hitler was not a coward and that African Americans were receiving unfair aid from the American government at the expense of Asian Americans. He immediately called the dean, furiously wanting to get me expelled. In fact, when I spoke to Irving again, he blatantly informed me of his own orders to have professors watch out for and report any of my renegade activities. As if it weren’t bad enough that students were stalking me, I now had professors who were watching me as well. The only person who wasn’t going after my head was the dean.

He is Pro-Suicide: Suicide the Healthiest Choice
When most people hear of suicide, they typically think of depressed losers, misfortune, injustice and other negative things. What most people don’t realize is that suicide is not necessarily something unfavorable. In fact, it can be a useful tool. I’m not trying to be cynical here; nor am I ranting. I am simply trying to elucidate a point I have made in many of my books – a life without a mission is one not worth living. I say if you’re going to be alive, do what you really want to do, and if you lose, shoot yourself. It’s better than hanging onto existence for no reason other than to exist.

I am not sure if Kenneth Eng is mentally unbalanced or just living in his own little fantasy world. There is an article by "The Wily Filipino" that attempts a two-part analysis of Kenneth Eng. Click on the following links: Kenneth Eng part1 and Kenneth Eng part2


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Kenneth "Why I Hate Blacks" Eng Fired 


Kenneth Eng, author of the now infamous column "Why I Hate Blacks" has been fired from the AsianWeek. He will no longer be writing for the magazine according to the Editor at large Ted Fang who issued the following statement:
"The failing of our editorial process in allowing this piece to go forward was an insensitive and callous mistake that should never have been made by our publication," Fang said."As a publication whose motto is (to be) the voice of the Asian American community, we are humbled and overwhelmed at reader response not only chastising our editorial process but strongly urging our paper to sever all ties to this contributor."

The paper will take "full responsibility for the mistake we made, apologize for the publication of the piece, and assure it will not happen again. Promotion of hate speech of any kind cannot and will not be tolerated."

Some thought that just firing Kenneth Eng did not go far enough and were looking for more comprehensive action by the magazine:
"We think the editor responsible for green-lighting the column should be removed," said Keith Kamisugi of the Equal Justice Society, one of the sponsors of a petition demanding that AsianWeek terminate Eng, counter the column in print and review its processes.

"Removing Eng was a small part of the problem. We are looking for journalistic responsibility at AsianWeek," he said.

Kenneth Eng has also previously written other inflammatory pieces which were published by AsianWeek. When Ted Fang was asked why Kenneth was allow to write such pieces as "Why I Hate Asians" and "Proof That Whites Inherently Hate Us," he would only say that the editorial decision process was under review.

The entire episode, especially given Kenneth Eng's history of writing racist columns, raises the suspicion that there may be others in the Asian community and elsewhere that share his views. It certainly seems like at best there is very little oversight as to what gets published and at worst there may be collusion between some of those responsible for the "editorial process" who may sympathize with the views expressed by Eng.

David Lee of the Chinese American Voters Education Committee acknowledges that some negative sentiments towards race exist within the Asian community:
"There is a segment that feels the way Eng does, but that sentiment is underground and not brought to the surface. "If you don't have a discussion, then I think it allows these types of views to fester and turn into something much more negative," he adds. "Rather than refute and bury this, we should be calling for a community dialogue to address this."

Ling-chi Wang, who for years led the ethnic studies department at the University of California at Berkeley said there is an urgent need for Asian Americans to be aware of the history of the U.S. and to realize that Asian American gains have come largely as a result of the efforts of black people.

David Lee in agreement also said: "We owe a great debt to African-Americans, and that lesson may not be known because the vast majority of new immigrants to the Asian-American community have come in the last 15 to 20 years, post-civil rights. You also have a generation that was born post-civil rights."


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John McCain Announces

Sen. John McCain, (R-Az) announced on the David Letterman Show that he would be seeking the Republican nomination for the Presidency in 2008.....and just like Joe Biden with his remarks about Barak Obama, stepped into criticism right away. He called the deaths of American soldiers in Iraq "wasted lives". Ironically this was the same phrase that Barak Obama had used before and had to issue an apology. John McCain had to do likewise, that is, issue an apology.

The Announcement


The Slip


The Apology


Last evening, I referred to American casualties in Iraq as wasted. I should have used the word, sacrificed, as I have in the past. No one appreciates and honors more than I do the selfless patriotism of American servicemen and women in the Iraq War. We owe them a debt we can never fully repay. And America’s leaders owe them, as well as the American people, our best judgment and honest appraisal of the progress of the war, in which they continue to sacrifice. “As I have said many times, I believe we have made many mistakes in the prosecution of the war. With a new Commanding General and a new strategy, we are now trying to correct those mistakes, and I believe we have a realistic chance to succeed. “That does not change the fact, however, that we have made many mistakes in the past, and we have paid a grievous price for those mistakes in the lives of the men and women who have died to protect our interests in Iraq and defend the rest of us from the even greater threat we would face if we are defeated there.”


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Why I Hate Blacks


Racism in America is generally considered to be a White vs Black/Minority (or visa versa) phenomenon, which is why it was so surprising to see an Asian Publication print an article so blatantly racist and targeted at another minority group. The title of the column: "Why I Hate Blacks" and the contents within were penned by Kenneth Eng, a young science fiction writer and self-proclaimed 'Asian Supremacist.' He wrote the article in the San Francisco-based AsianWeek which serves the Asian-American population with a circulation of 48,505.

Among other things Kenneth Eng wrote:
'I would argue that blacks are weak-willed. They are the only race that has been enslaved for 300 years.'
His article was immediately denounced by the leaders of the Asian-American community:
'Something like this should never have been printed,' said Vincent Eng, deputy director of the Asian American Justice Center in Washington, who is not related to the columnist. 'Deliberate action needs to be taken to make sure this type of hate speech doesn't continue.'

Leaders at the Asian American Justice Center, Chinese for Affirmative Action, Coalition for Asian Pacific Americans and other groups are circulating a petition denouncing the piece as 'irresponsible journalism, blatantly racist, replete with stereotypes, and deeply hurtful to African Americans.'

The petition calls on AsianWeek to cut ties with Eng, issue an apology, print an editorial refuting the column, and fire or demote the editors who published it.

In response AsianWeek did issue an apology through Ted Fang, the paper's editor at large.

'The newspaper is sorry that this got published, and I am personally sorry that this got published,' Fang told The Associated Press. 'The views in that opinion piece do not in any way reflect the views of AsianWeek.' The paper plans to review its policies to 'understand how this happened and make sure it doesn't happen again,' Fang said, calling the decision to publish Eng's piece a 'mistake.'


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The US to Talk to Iran and Syria


If I was asked which word best describes the Bush Administration, I would have to say stubborn. Whether or not you agree with the policies of the Administration, I think no-one would accuse Bush of being inconsistent. He invaded Iraq and has vilified both Syria and Iran, two of Iraq's neighbours, accusing them of meddling in the war and frustrating US effort to subdue the violence in the country. He has also refused to hold talks with either country to explore ways to control the sectarian violence.......until now.

In a diplomatic turnabout, the Bush administration will join an Iraq-sponsored "neighbors meeting" with Iran and Syria, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said

The meeting, which will be scheduled for mid-March, is an Iraqi initiative and they plan to invite Syria, Iran, members of the Arab League as well as Britain, France, Russia, China and the US. A second meeting involving the countries' foreign ministers — which administration officials said Rice would attend — would also be held, perhaps as soon as early April.

"We hope that all governments will seize this opportunity to improve their relations with Iraq and to work for peace and stability in the region," Rice said.

Her announcement was welcomed by Democrats and Republicans alike:

"Today's announcement is a first step, but it is not enough on its own," said Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. "Our national security requires a robust diplomatic effort in the Middle East, and the Bush administration cannot again settle for mere half measures."


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